Natural Hair Mag

Exercising With Natural Hair

I know many of us naturals are SUPER concerned about how to properly wear or protect our hair during the next Insanity infomercial.

But understand whatever movement you partake in to is going to help your hair, regardless if you just got a fresh crochet set or if you just rolled out of bed.

Taking a simple walk on a sunny day could make the world of difference not only for your health but for your hair. Movement and exercise makes the body’s blood flow more actively. This means those vital nutrients get circulated throughout your body more thoroughly, including you hair follicles.

Heck, just listening to some music on your iPod while you bop around to do chores could be the most exercise you need!

But if you are still concerned about your hair consider the following to make you less stressed about your hair:

  • Wear a dorag of some sort
  • Put your hair in 2 strand twists, bantu knots or cornrows (depending on how hard you work out, you may want to wash your hair afterwards)
  • Workout at home if you are self conscious about being in public

I’ve found that a nice walk after a good co-wash is very healthy for my hair. It’s like the sunlight is the perfect supplement to my open pores. Think of it like grass after a good rain: it grows make like a weed.

If you still need some tips, check out this natural’s great routine to keeping your hair protected during your yoga sessions and neighborhood walks!

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