Natural Hair Mag

“Study” Claims Women With Natural Hair Have Low Self-Esteem

Yes, you read the title right: according to a recent study, we have low self-esteem.

The study, supposedly done by the company Bountiful Hair, says that of the 3,000 women who took the test, 2500 of them did not feel as pretty as women with straight hair.

The article posted on details how one natural who took the test views her natural hair:

“Some days I just don’t know what to do with these naps — and on those days I just avoid the mirror altogether. I try to tell myself that wearing my natural hair is all about empowerment and expressing natural beauty, but there were times when I just did not feel pretty. When you continuously break combs because your hair is so nappy, and you use everything  in your refrigerator to try to tame that mane, and you still have hair so rough you could polish rocks, you begin to reevaluate your choices.”

While this natural’s frustrations are nothing outside the norm, why does it equate to not having enough self esteem? Since when does loving yourself in its natural state turn to being a bad thing?

Is it because society does not understand natural hair and THEY deem it to be a problem, making women who actually are natural feel inadequate as well?

Before you get too heated, is a satirical site but even so, why bother making up such a story about the natural hair movement that the author very likely does not know much about?

The natural hair movement is to help black women all over the globe manage their hair in its natural texture and learning ways to not only love it, but to care for it and watch it grow.

Shame on satirical websites for making natural haired women feel bad about being themselves!

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  • Lea

    I don’t think we should even respond to this. It’s a story made up on a satire site. Why spread it?

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    You should take this down. It’s a fake article from a satire site.

    • J9ssica

      they stated that it’s satire,but it’s still annoying that it was even posted in the first place lol

      • Ladies, I am the author of this post. While I agree with your comments, the fact remains that this “story” was shared A LOT across social media. My purpose for writing about it was to bring awareness to the adverse attitudes naturals still have to contend with outside of the natural hair community because they are alive and well! Be well!

      • Hargrove

        It’s classic racism. They’re looking too self-satisfied. Time to do some damage…

  • BethSA

    That is such horse shit. I highly doubt natural hair sisters would say such trash about their hair or themselves.

    • Hargrove

      Actually, I do. For the challenges some hair poses, it just sounds like honesty to me.

  • Shasta Hill

    Really?!! I, myself, got aggravated with my hair after the big chop. The only reason was because it took me a while to find the right product for my hair. Never once did I feel like I had made a mistake or feel ugly! That’s some bs started by a hater who may be losing money on those relaxers…

  • Hargrove

    .It didn’t make me feel bad about myself. I didn’t believe it. .That’s like saying the person doing the heaviest lifting has the weakest grip.