As you all may, or may not, know, it ain’t always easy to cut your own hair. Some of us, yes,… like me, are just scissor-happy. Others are not and go to a professional hairstylist, while again others for some reason give them wide berth and steer completely clear of them. Whichever you prefer, this video will give you some useful insights as to how ms. RegalFro skillfully cuts a few layers in her natural hair. Luckily, she has graced us with a video tutorial on how she cuts off a few inches of her own crown of glory. She just makes it all seem so easy! Her hair has grown tremendously since the last time she cut it. And now it’s time to snip off some more inches again. What do y’all do to keep those ends nice, blunt and healthy? How often do you cut and or trim your hair?
Enjoy the video. How to cut layers into your hair