One of the biggest hurdles with our natural hair journey is the “funky” stages of shorter hair.
Many naturals start their journey from scratch, doing the “big chop” and growing their hair in it’s most natural state.
That means; however, that she will have to endure the stages of the TWA and, for some women, it is their “ugly” phase
Sometimes, it can be hard to accept all stages of the natural hair journey. For some women, they take it all in stride and love their new short hair do.’ For other women, it’s daunting and scary, fearing they will be insulted or their head shape will not be cut out for a TWA or short style.
But staying fly with a short style is very easy.
To take your mind of your “ugly phase,” think about something about your body you like. Do you have log, sexy legs? Pretty eyes? Nice boobs? Thick, healthy thighs?
Focus on what is beautiful about you and your TWA will be the last thing on your mind! Promise!
Just to help you out if you are one of those lovely ladies having difficulty accepting your TWA, try these things to help you along your natural hair journey.
1. Twist your TWA up. This does not mean you are locking your hair. It is just a style you can wear to jazz your short hair up Fresh, moistures twist are gorgeous and make eyes wonder on YOU!
2. Stay on your eye makeup game. If you are one of those girls who have completely buzzed your hair off and you now look like a variation of Amber Rose, focus on your eyes. Eyes are the first thing people notice about other person. Elaborate eye makeup, along with lovely arched eye brows will make your hair a secondary thought!
3. Stay on your earring game. Invest in some elaborate earrings and jewelry. This is wear you can afford to pull off bright, gawky jewelry! Wearing a subtle but pretty outfit along with flashy jewelry will take the focus off your buzz cut. Make it a point to wear bright jewelry and before you know it, your hair has grown out long enough to try more styles. View the earrings above for some inspiration!
4. Flaunt anything else you got. If you have fierce legs, wear cute pencil skirts and heels as a habit. If you happen to be blessed with a unique eye color, make it a point to look people in the eye. Seriously! You will get their attention (especially if you’re interested in them!) If you been working all summer long on your curves, invest in some cute affordable maxi dresses and low cut shirts that emphasize them.
5. Document it. Blogging about your hair journey is a great way to get your thoughts out to other women going through the exact some thing. Trust us! Do not be scared to document your journey with photos because you will be inspiring many others. Plus, starting a blog is free!