Natural Hair Mag

Rehab For Product Junkies!


This is NHM Model Rachelle From The UK Who Became Natural Last Year!

For a lot of newly naturals, once you’ve done the Big Chop your being introduced to new texture for the very first time. The first question that usually comes to mind is “what do I use on this beautiful new texture of hair?”(maybe not those exact words…but you get my drift).

With the growing popularity of natural hair there are so many amazing lines popping up that at times you feel overwhelmed with options. Although it’s a wonderful and exciting time to explore new and products and styles, it’s also a time where bad habits are formed and product junkies are created. For you newly naturals and all you product junkies out there, I know these are challenging times for you. Here are a few tips from keeping your bathroom cabinets from overflowing.

If it’s not broke don’t fix it…

So often I see this scenario. Your hair is healthy and the product line your using is working for. Your hair is soft, strong and has a natural shine.  Everything is cool right?? Yes, until your friend shares her love for her new conditioner. She found it online and it works wonders fro HER hair, before you can even blink your eyes, you’re rushing to the nearest beauty supply in search of that conditioner. When you find it, not only do you purchase the conditioner, you also pick up a shampoo and styling pomade. Two months later, your hair dry and brittle and you don’t understand why. So what happened here? You needed a “fix”. Your product line was working great but you were “fiening” for something new, but new isn’t always a good thing. If it’s not broke please don’t try to fix it. Sometimes you will find your hair in a very unhealthy state because your trying every new product that looks tantalizing. If you can’t shake the itch to buy a new product, try buying natural oils that you can add to your products to give a different feel. For an example trying adding jojoba oil to your conditioner and sit under a steamer for a deep conditioning treatment. You added something new to your hair regimen with out buying a whole new line of products or spending big bucks. If your hair regimen is working for you then by all means, stick to it!


Another Picture of Rachelle

Give it Time…

We leave in an era of instant gratification. We all want instant results when we try something for the first time. You don’t always want to have that approach when using hair products. Some of the best product lines are designed to repair the hair and for awesome results it usually takes more time then we expect. So before you move on to next line due to failed results with your current line, make sure you have given the line ample time to show and prove.

 My Go to products…

One thing I know being a natural hairstylist/ specialist, is that one product doesn’t work for everybody. When I find a line that has plethora of options for all textures and conditions of hair it makes me so happy. I also love lines that are simple and can be easily added to any hair regimen. Here’s a few of my “go to” product lines for my clients.

 Phyto is a line of plant based hair products using environmentally conscious methods. I recommend this line to a lot of my clients because it has an extensive range of treatments and styling products that target all hair types and textures. Phyto has restored the health to many of my clients with damaged hair. Phyto can be found at Sephora and Ulta.

 Kera Care for Natural Textures is a great line for moisture and styling. I love doing twist, coils and sets with the twist and define cream; it leaves the hair feeling light, bouncy and shiny. Kera Care is great line for styling with out sacrificing the health and strength of the hair. With the cleansing cream and hydrating detangling shampoo there is really no need for conditioner (although I still use one or a the leave in conditioner), it leaves the hair clean, detangled and ready to style. Kera Care is also a line for different hair types and different hair conditions.

 Green Gold Hair and Body is a line of oils that can be added to any and all hair regimens. The rich blend of pure oils can be used on the scalp, to seal ends, oil treatments, to add shine and because of it’s gentle blend you can even use it on your skin. My clients and I love this oil and I am sure you will too.

Next time your in a department store, beauty supply or online, before you grab that product that looks like a pretty wrapped piece of hair candy, take a deep breath and ask yourself “do I really need this?” If you don’t then move on…you will thank me later.

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  • Tyra

    Great article!! I have gone through that experience. I’m currently trying to recover from that problem. My hair has been very dry lately and I can’t achieve the same styles that I used to. My twist outs aren’t as defined any more either. So I’ve gone back to the basics…to what worked before.

    • NHM Moderator

      Hi Tyra:

      We are glad you enjoyed the article. If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact our writer, Nneka Otim at