Natural Hair Mag

Want To Grow Your Hair? Learn To Feed Your Follicles

Nneka Otim 3


My clients often ask me “What products they can use to promote hair growth, prevent dry and brittle hair and what helps hair loss?” I usually answer with a question “How is your diet”. We often think the health of our hair has only to do with how we treat it externally but beautiful and healthy hair comes from within. The nutrients you eat help fortify the hair follicle, where each strand is born, which means you’re a few meals away from awesome, healthy hair! I’m sure your next question is “what should I eat?” Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables and low in starch. This may help slow down the process of hair loss.  Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that may provide protection for the hair follicles and encourage hair growth. Eat plenty of foods high in biotin and/or take supplements. Biotin is needed for healthy hair and skin and may even prevent hair loss. If your like you me then you luuuves to eat!! Try throwing some of these fruits and vegetables into your recipes and enjoy eating your way to healthy hair.


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Healthy Hair Food



Eating avocado regularly means we get a steady supply of biotin for gorgeous hair, healthy nails and moisturized skin. Avocados are a rich source of proteins, amino acids and vitamins, which help promote the growth of healthier tresses.


Other sources: Also try using avocado oil in salads, marinades and brush over roasted vegetables.



Iron deficiency can cause hair loss; an easy way to prevent iron deficiency is to include spinach in your diet. The iron, folate, beta-carotene and vitamin C in spinach help keep hair follicles healthy and scalp oils circulating.


Other sources: Nutrient-rich dark, leafy vegetables such as kale, broccoli and swiss chard.


Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a great source of the antioxidant beta-carotene, which your body turns into Vitamin A. When it comes to your hair, vitamin A produces oils to sustain your scalp. Deficiency in Vitamin A can leave our scalps itchy and cause irritating dandruff.


Other sources: Apricot, cantaloupe, mangoes, and pumpkin.



Lentils are small but a mighty member of the legume family. Legumes are a great source of iron, protein and biotin, nutrients that are vital for healthy hair.


Other sources: Kidney beans, and soybeans.



Blueberries are packed with Vitamin C. Vitamin C is critical for circulation to the scalp and support the tiny blood vessels that feed the follicles. Too little Vitamin C in your diet can lead to hair breakage.


Other sources: Red bell peppers, tomatoes, kiwis and strawberries.



Nuts are great for healthy hair they have oils, which contribute to the elastin in your hair.  If you don’t have enough oils in the body your hair can break. Walnuts have a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids. They are also rich in biotin and vitamin E.

Of course, there’s more to your hair than what you eat. But if you eat well, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep and exercise it will show in your tresses. Use these foods to build a strong foundation for healthy hair. So….what are your cooking tonight??


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  • Sandra BURGESS

    My daughter would like to go natural. But do not now how to get the perm out without cutting her hair. In my day (lol) we used vinegar. And her hair has damage from the perm. Can you please give us some information. Thanks very much in advance…

    • Tah

      I transitioned by going to a beautician that specialized in natural hair. She would trim my ends and straighten my roots. She did this process until the final day of her trimming the last of the relaxer out of my hair. No big chop was necessary.. Hope this helps..

    • Nneka Otim

      Hello Sandra, Thank you for reading my article. I am excited for you and your daughters journey. You have a plethora of style options when transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. If your not ready for the BIG Chop, this is a great time to play with transition styles. Transition styles are styles that help to camouflage the difference in textures while growing out your natural hair . Styles such as rod sets, Bantu knots, flat twist and straw sets. Relaxer alters hair permanently, unfortunately there’s no way to revert back to your original texture.Find a natural hairstylist that can trim a little perm off every 6 to 8 weeks. Before you know it, all of the relaxed hair will be gone and your daughter will have a head full of natural healthy hair. Many blessings to you and your daughter.

  • My hair is dry. I take a lot of medication and some of it affects my hair. What can I use to help this problem?

    • Deborah Hebert

      I would like to know too. I take medication that affect my hair and I just hate it. I take hair vitamins, try to eat right and my hair grows a little and then breaks. I just don’t know what else I can do to help my hair. Before I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, my hair was so long and think, now I wear my hair natural and its kind of think but I have thin areas and I take good care of my hair. Also, another reason hair will not do well is stress and stress also breaks hair.

    • Nneka Otim

      Hi Annette, thanks for reading my article. Figuring out what exactly causes dry hair can be a complicated process especially when medication is involved. The best thing to do is make sure you have a strong hair regimen. Make sure you use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, free of alcohol. Do a deep conditioning steam treatment once a month. Massage Jojoba oil into your scalp after every treatment. You can also use Jojoba oil once or twice a week on your scalp and hair. Jojoba oil is the oil that is closest to our natural oils from our scalp. Often times our scalp and hair are dry because of the lack of our natural oils. Jojoba can restore balance to our scalps. Drink lots of water, dryness can also come from lack of hydration as well.

  • Deborah Hebert

    I would like to know too. I will keep checking to see what others say.

  • Luciana morris

    I love natural hair, need all new styles

  • Martha Bent

    Hello, i have natural hair from last year, relaxer free, but i see no progress in my hair lenght(When i first fixed it, it touches my back in 2012 i cut it and from july 2013 i am going natural).. what can i do to grow my hair and see its progress?

    • NHM Moderator

      Hi Martha,

      Thanks for your comments. You can reach out to our writer, Nneka Otim at

  • Kim

    When I had a perm in my hair, it grew really fast. Now that I’ve cut off the perm and my hair is natural… It is stunned!

    • NHM Moderator

      Hi Kim,

      Thanks for your comments. You can reach out to our writer, Nneka Otim at

    • Stacey

      I’m in he same boat-not seeing very much growth!!! I’m trying to be patient-never going back to chems-ever!!! I’m wondering myself what’s up with the growth???

  • sassysuzie reid

    i would like to natural

  • sassysuzie reid

    i would like to go nautral