Natural Hair Mag

9 Amino Acids That Are Essential for Healthy Natural Hair

While most of us are familiar with the essential nutrients known as amino acids, very few of us have a full grasp on what they truly and why they are important. A collection of highly versatile micronutrients, amino acids are known to help with issues such as arthritis, improving circulation, male infertility, hair growth, and other medical issues, without causing unnecessary side effects. A great addition to your natural hair care regimen, are you aware of the many ways in which amino acids can positively impact your body as well as your natural hair? If not, please continue reading…

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Histidine (carnosine precursor)

A molecule that is known to be a robust vessel dilator,  this amino acid acts as a neurotransmitter of sorts, as well as a stimulator that helps with digestion. Most commonly used to help those recovering from an illness, Histidine also plays a vital role in the regulation of growth processes of all kinds, including the hair follicles. Thusly, this makes this amino acid an asset to the natural hair growth process.

Isoleucine (muscle growth and maintenance)

An essential amino acid, Isoleucine has become a staple substance amongst bodybuilders, weight lifters, and an array of athletes, alike. Most often consumed in a powdered form and added to things such as milkshakes and smoothies, this formula is well known for its ability to help build lean muscle and reduce body fat.

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Leucine (muscle growth and maintenance)

Thought to be a miracle supplement by many athletes and bodybuilders, Leucine is said to have the capacity to increase protein synthesis by 145% (if you take it following your workout regimen). What’s more, when taken with high amounts of dairy, the substance can help get rid of fat while simultaneously helping to build muscle tone.

 Lysine (cold sores)

Most often used to help treat cold sores, Lysine is commonly used by taking a supplement or by simply applying it directly to the affected areas. Moreover, this amino acid is also said to prevent hair shedding. This thereby makes it an excellent choice for Naturalistas as, something that helps to re-grow hair in those who are losing it, can certainly help to increase hair growth in those who have a healthy head of natural hair.


Another essential amino acid with notable effects on hair growthMethionine can be obtained from foods such as Brazil nuts, turkey and chicken, parmesan cheese, fish, soybeans, and many more. A nutrient that is known for its ability to boost both keratin and collagen, (each of which is essential to hair growthMethionine can be used to help promote hair growth. In fact, Methionine is the second most prominent element within keratin, thusly, lowered levels of this nutrient can cause hair shedding and loss.

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IG: @brandilou88

Phenylalanine (supports alertness, mild appetite suppressant)

A nutrient that is said to help fight against illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and may even combat body fat, Phenylalanine is found in many foods, from everything
from meat products to wheat germ, in varying degrees. Supplying an effective method of reducing stress and helping with weight loss, this nutrient is a mild appetite suppressant with the ability to help people achieve a significant amount of weight loss with less effort.


An essential amino acid that promotes normal growth patterns by helping to stabilize the protein balance of the body, Threonine has been known to treat conditions affecting the nervous system as well as mild psychological disorders (such as acute depression), this nutrient can be obtained by eating dairy, meats,  grains, and leafy vegetables, to name a few.

Tryptophan (promotes sound sleep, relaxant)

Long since known for its sleep-inducing effects, trace amounts Tryptophan is commonly found in foods such as turkey and milk. Nevertheless, these foods alone aren’t a sufficient source, purchasing a supplement is the only way to take full advantage of this amino acid’s effects.


In terms of Valine, this essential acid is vital to improving regulation of the immune/ nervous system and is excellent for bodybuilders as it helps with muscle recovery.

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IG: @imanievans_

Non-Essential Amino Acids

A title that is misleading, to say the very least, so-called “non-essential’ amino acids are so called due to the fact that the body synthesizes these nutrients on its own, and thus, they are not essential to your diet. These acids include arginine, glutamine, tyrosine, cysteineglycineprolineserine and ornithine.

Overall, vital to a healthy body, mind, and nervous system, both essential and non-essential amino acids are a great addition to every naturalistas diet and hair care regimen. Consult a physician before introducing any new supplements into your diet.

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