Natural Hair Mag

International Naturals: The Global Spread of the Natural Hair Movement

Written By Venus L

A movement that originated in the United States and is now circulating the globe, the natural hair movement was created in order to address not only issues with damage caused by straightening products with harsh chemicals, but also the overall European standard of beauty that most so-called “women of color” are coerced into assimilating to. While it is being heralded as the new trend or as some fly by night moment in hair happenings, the profound and complex history surrounding this movement gives the impression that natural hair is here to stay. Moreover, the movement has since spread to various other areas of the world and has even begun to permeate high fashion. With that said, how much do you know about natural hair communities in other countries? The following is a fascinating glimpse into how natural hair is being celebrated in other areas of the world.



IG: @amandadupont

Said to be one of the most natural hair-friendly areas in all of Europe, the natural hair community has become a flourishing movement within the UK at large. Complete with a series of blogs, sites, and notable Naturalistas, this area has built quite an impressive Naturalista Navy. In fact, they seem all but poised to become one of the natural hair capitals of the world. With the help of UK scientist, JC of the JC of the Natural Haven (a highly informative blog and brand that brings an array of tips and factoids for Naturalistas around the globe), they have already created an entire week to celebrate natural hair!



IG: @fennellalikewhoa

An area in which there is a large concentration of dreadlocked Naturalistas, Kenya has always had a large natural hair presence. A unique natural hair area, Africa is one of the few places in which natural hair has never totally gone out of style. Making things a bit hairy in terms of defining the movement, the continent of Africa has areas with a concentration of those who have been natural, areas in which they still value the European standard, and other areas that are mixed and also include those who are transitioning to natural hair. Given these facts, it makes perfect sense that many areas within Africa so readily embrace the world of natural hair. An organic movement that is being built by regular, everyday women, although the movement in Kenya has only been around for a short while, it has grown incredibly quickly.

The Bahamas 

imanievans_ hair 2

IG: @imanievans_

A section of the movement that took off just last year, although Bahamian Naturalistas are a bit new to going natural, they have made great strides over that amount of time. Fueled by a business woman, Terrinique Pennerman, and the creation of her natural hair product line, Kurlee Belle, she sought to create a natural product line in order to be able to style her natural hair. Now a budding movement, many credit Pennerman as being the mother of the Bahamian natural hair movement.


moe_dadiva waves

IG: @moe_dadiva


In an effort to promote Afro-Cuban pride, the country of Cuba has taken strides to encourage their population to embrace its African roots. Earlier this year, the country held its first natural hair competition, which had over 70 contestants. Created by Havana performance artist, Susana Delahante, in order to promote a mindset that valued more textured hair in its natural state, this competition was not only the start of a budding natural hair community in Cuba but also, a community of people that identify with and embrace their black heritage.

Dominican Republic


IG: @chanelofficial

An area that has a vast, budding natural hair movement, you can’t mention Dominican natural hair without mentioning model, Lineisy Montero. A barrier-breaking queen, this young model recently appeared on in Fashion Week, in a whopping 68 shows. Opening in 5 of said shows, including one of the biggest tickets, Jason Wu, she has broken many barriers in terms of the modeling world and “women of color”. Even more impressive, she did this all rocking her own natural TWA. A gorgeous display of African heritage, beauty, and confidence, this 19-year-old will likely remain the face of natural hair within the Dominican Republic. Lineisy Montero. A barrier-breaking queen, this young model recently appeared on in Fashion Week, in a whopping 68 shows. Opening in 5 of said shows, including one of the biggest tickets, Jason Wu, she has broken many barriers in terms of the modeling world and “women of color”. Even more impressive, she did this all rocking her own natural TWA. A gorgeous display of African heritage, beauty, and confidence, this 19-year-old will likely remain the face of natural hair within the Dominican Republic.


IG: @ckwayie

While many try to dismiss this movement as a trend, the love of natural hair is spreading like wildfire. As new areas continue to embrace this movement, they are helping to spread a sense of cultural pride that has been missing from many communities, for quite some time. While we are making significant strides across the globe, there is clearly quite a ways to go before the natural hair movement receives the level of recognition that it deserves. Either way, this is an exciting time to be a Naturalista ! The movement is stronger than ever!

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