1.Your Texture is exactly that…YOUR TEXTURE!
Comparing your texture to someone else’s texture can be discouraging and put a damper on your natural journey. I have had individuals come up to me with pictures and ask “how can I get my texture to look like this?’ and my answer “ I rather discuss how we can get YOUR hair to the healthiest state that it can possibly be. One of the biggest and most beautiful aspects of going natural is learning to LOVE your texture, going into the process with expectations of what you think your hair should look like can only set you up for disappointment. There are no two people that have the same texture. Every texture is unique and that’s the beauty in it all.
2.Options for Transitioning
So your ready to go natural… what now? I have great news for you; there are so many options for transitioning. We all know about the “Big Chop” it ‘s a great way to get straight to the point. The “Big Chop” is bold and a wonderful way to feel empowered. If you are not quite ready for a drastic change, you can do straw sets, flexi-rods sets, and bantu-knots. These options are “transitions styles” they are great for masking the difference between your natural and relaxed hair. When I transitioned, I grew about two inches of my natural hair and started my locs! Yes, locs are a great option for transitioning as well. You can also have fun with all types of extensions (make sure to be gentle with those edges!) Havana twist, kinky-twist and braids, keep in mind that your hair will need trims and deep conditioning treatments in between your styles. Extensions are a great way to grow your hair out until you have a length you are comfortable with.
3.Moisture & Maintenance
Maintaining moisture is so important on your natural hair journey. Sometimes finding what gives your hair optimum moisture can be so complicated, but I have one simple ingredient to begin with, WATER. We often think moisture comes from oils but moisture comes from water, not only externally but also internally. When shopping for products, check for those that are water based and make sure your drinking enough water daily. Some say natural hair is low maintenance; this may be true for some but by no means is it NO maintenance. You will need to find a professional that will be able to keep your hair trimmed and healthy. Even if you love styling your own hair, an occasional visit to a stylist is vital for the health and maintenance of your hair.
Going natural is a wonderful experience. It’s a time to love this new found YOU, not a time to pic your self apart or stress about what to do next with your hair. With patience, love and little guidance you are well on your way to a beautiful journey. Enjoy!