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Shocking 3 Ingredient Weight Loss Smoothie

Weight loss is probably the most lucrative sub industry within the health and wellness industry.  Whether it’s diets, exercise, vitamins or a weight loss smoothie recipe, people are always interested to know what they can do to lose weight fast.  It’s natural considering that our metabolism slows down as we age.  Given the average individual’s work schedule and the nature of their job, they have a legitimate reason to be concerned.

In my earlier days of studying nutrition I approached weight loss with a much more brutal mindset.  It was quite scary to watch.  I was under the impression that nutrition was good but that in order to lose weight you needed to work off the pounds, literally.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  I then began to familiarize myself with several popular diets such as the Adkins diet, the Paleo diet and other trends that caught the eye of the masses.  Then I was introduced to smoothies.  A weight loss smoothie to be exact.  I wasn’t quite sure how a mixture of fruits and vegetables could work to help burn fat from the body of human beings but it was effective.  To lose weight it was necessary to sweat in the gym.  Working out would help but it wasn’t the catalyst to liberating you of those unwanted pounds.

weight loss smoothieWhat was in this smoothie?  There were plenty of people claiming that certain juice drinks would help drop weight fast.  But what was so special about this one?  What I came to realize was that not all fruits and vegetables would be good for people to eat for weight loss.  In fact, certain fruits and vegetables caused weight gain!  Can you believe that?  I know.  It shocked me as well.  Many people in their late twenties and thirties reach a point where it is extremely difficult for them to lose weight no matter what they eat.  The reason for this is wait is called metabolic acidosis.  Your body has too much acid and the kidneys are not removing enough of the acid.  If you remember nothing else from this article always remember that excessive acid will usually be present a body that is infirmed.  People that contract cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart ailments and more are generally loaded with acid.  Metabolic acidosis among other things help to perpetuate sickness and excessive weight gain.

I want to share a weight loss smoothie that I came across from one of the best weight loss programs that I have ever seen.  What impressed me about this drink is that it helps to remove excess weight while providing antioxidants and tasting great.  Has anyone ever mentioned to you that chocolate helps with weight loss?  Sounds far fetched right?  Well, it actually does help with the right combination of foods.  Let’s get to the 3 ingredient weight loss smoothie that you can start using today!

Weight Loss Smoothie With Chocolate!

1. Spirulina – I was introduced to spirulina back in 2005 from a good friend who is now approaching seventy years old and is in tremendous shape.  Spirulina is considered to be in the sea vegetable family.  This is geat because it does not rely on the soil to get it’s nutrients as it comes from the ocean.  Sea vegetables are loaded with minerals and are well known to be highly nutritious.  This sea veggie has high amounts of vitamin A, K1, K2 and also has nearly 4,000 percent more iron than spinach!

2. Wheat Grass – When you hear the term “wheat grass” it’s not something that makes you want to immediately try it.  You’re probably visualizing how wheat and grass can go together.  Although the name is a bit eclectic the results of consuming this powerful plant are beyond great.  The primary purpose of consuming wheat grass is for purposes of chlorophyll consumption.  This is the green of the plant.  Chlorophyll contains oxygen which is what our cells need to thrive and flourish.  In addition to chlorophyll wheat grass contains high amounts of vitamin C, Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin A, Amino Acids and complete B Vitamins!

3. Cocoa Powder (Dark Chocolate) – This is not grounds for you to go and grab a milk chocolate candy bar and think that it will serve as a portion of your weight loss smoothie!  There is a certain kind of chocolate that you must consume.  Milk chocolate creates acid in the body.  But Cocoa Powder (real chocolate) provides antioxidants for the body.  It also has manganese (great for cartilage and bones), magnesium (good for energy), zinc, iron and more.  All of these nutrients aid in the fortification of red blood cells.  Most importantly, dark chocolate has high amounts of flavanoids which help relax the blood vessels.

That’s it.  You begin your weight loss journey by consuming these three ingredients in a smoothie.  This weight loss smoothie is most effective when taken with water.  For full details on this program check out The Fat Diminisher nutritional guide.  This smoothie along with other tips and tricks from this program has helped thousands of individuals achieve their goals of dropping massive weight in a reasonable amount of time!

*For more on Cochise visit or follow him on IG and Facebook: @CochiseTarakSaa

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