SPONSOR CONTENT One of the more pivotal keys to growing healthy hair is protecting that which you have. This is what we call nurturing the...
Because sometimes,… we just don’t know what to do with our hair… Some women with very tightly coiled and curly hair feel like they have...
I’ve read about many types of obsessive compulsive disorders. People walking around a table non-stop for several minutes or hours. Washing skin too much that...
I recall many toy commercials of fabulous knick knacks me and my sister could tear up during our childhood. We waited all year to get...
Yesterday, I co-washed my hair and thought something about my shedding: Am I shedding too much or too little? Shedding is natural of any texture...
So last night, I FINALLY removed all my dreadlocks! It was a great part of my journey! My hair grew out beautifully and, to my...
I know that sounds pretty backwards, but hear me out! Hair pulling, when done GENTLY, is actually a form of scalp massage that has been...
Hair loss is common amongst all women, not just naturals. It can be caused by genetics, bad hair styling, poor dieting or hormones. However, excess...
“No! You can’t touch my hair!” We’ve all seen the hilarious memes showing people getting slapped, kicked and punched for inviting themselves to touch natural...
One of the biggest complaints women have about doing the BC (big chop) and rocking a TWA is if they will look appealing. In the...
You can create a simple rinse from baking soda or apple cider vinegar. You can quickly moisturize your hair and scalp with almost near cooking...